Sunday, August 10, 2008

Housewarming Gift

I came across this today and forgot that I had put it aside about a month ago when doing some down-n-dirty cleaning here at Chateau Gahan. This is a housewarming gift a friend of mine, Kelly, had given us back in 1999 when we moved into our "home." (And how sweet it was to say that word . . . home.)

Kelly bough the Visitor's Journal (this and other fun journals can be found at this site), and done some fancy work to create a new cover for it. She even photoshopped "Chateau Gahan" onto the gate sign. I've loved having it. My houseguests — whether it be for just dinner or an overnight visit — have enjoyed writing in it and I've loved looking through the entries. Makes me feel like the proprietor of a B&B.


  1. Hi Dawn, Just wanted to check to make sure you received my email yesterday. I just received a "slow to deliver" message for your email address this morning in my inbox. Have never seen that one:)
    Have a great week.

  2. I never thought about having a book for visitors to sign. That's another great thing that could go in the gift closet.


  3. What a sweet and wonderful gift-that keeps on giving! xo-Mel

  4. That's such a perfect idea...I will make one of these for MYSELF for my next house:)

    Very sweet, thanks for sharing :)


  5. My aunt keeps one of these on the table in her front hall. We've got notes and signatures all the way back to Christmas '83. Love that idea.

  6. g'day Dawn, what a nice surprise for you to pop by my blog, glad you liked it!

    a great idea with the visitors book...

