Monday, May 26, 2008

Remembering and Honoring

I am a sucker for a parade. And I cry at anything sappy. Needless to say, I take kleenex with me to a parade. Memorial Day is especially emotional for me. Seeing all the veterans and active-duty soldiers marching for the fallen. The American flags waving. Hearing the patriotic music. When the colorguard first appears at the start of the parade and everyone stands up, I'm a goner. Here are lots of pictures to capture the parade we went to today, a real slice of small-town USA. (Click on any of the pictures to see a better image.)

Sitting in his front yard watching. He had trouble standing up, so when the flags passed he saluted. Tissue please!
Spectators lining the street. My girlie's the one sitting on a blanket with her head down reading a book to pass the time until the parade began.
The colorguard ready to march.
Lots of heart-tugging sentiments.
Boy scouts and girl scouts.
Horses, big and little.
Vintage cars, Vietnam veteran bikers, and tractors (only in the South! We lost count after 30!). I decided the guy on this red tractor was really cute and that I would make a good farmer's wife.
Pageant queens and shriners.
And the soldiers. The live statue of Iwo Jima was very moving as was the young soldier atop the float smiling unpretentiously as the spectators clapped and cheered. Someone even yelled "thank you" which made his smile upturn a bit more. Yes, thank you.


  1. It looks like you had a special Memorial Day.

  2. Parades always make me cry...all those happy kids and smiling faces. Your photos are great, the weather looked perfect. I hope you have a good week.

  3. Wow those pictures really brought a bunch of childhood memories. I live in a bigger town now and there aren't any parades her for memorial day. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a great parade and looks like perfect weather. I am so like you! You should see me at the 4th of July parade...a teary mess! When they hold our flag and the vets play the National Anthem, I just bawl my eyes out!!!!!!!

  5. I stumbled across your blog today. I LOVE the photos. I started daydreaming as soon as I saw them. I'll be sure to come back to you blog to see more of your photographs!!
