Monday, May 19, 2008

New Moon

Having finished Twilight last week, I sorta had the wind knocked out of my sails about jumping headfirst into New Moon, the second in the series, knowing that in the group of girls at Harleigh's school, I'm probably not queued to get it for awhile. But lo and behold, I walk in this morning and dear Laura, a coworker whom I had told about the series last week, handed over a hardcover of . . . New Moon. She had purchased all of the series printed to date and read the first and second over the weekend. You go girl — talk about a reading marathon. We oohed and aaahed over how good Twilight was and went to the website to watch the movie trailer. Oh . . . . . . . my . . . . . . . . gosh, does it look good. I can't imagine any more perfect in those roles than whom they've chosen. Since when did bloodsucking get so doggone sexy? December 12 can't come soon enough.


  1. I don't think I've ever had to wait so long for something in my whole life.

    In the meantime, book 4 comes out in August!

  2. Well you have peeked my curiosity with that book series!! I love vampire tales :) Did you ever watch Dark Shadows when you were a kid? or are you too young to remember? It started there for me. I actually saw this book this weekend at the store and thought the cover was so pretty. Maybe it was calling my name somehow :)Thanks for the tip.

  3. I read my first chapter last night. I'm hooked already. And now my blog is suffering. Boo.

  4. You make me feel so much better about myself! I cannot wait for book 4!
