Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Honey-Do's (and I'm the Honey around this house)

Here are three things I want to post so that I am held accountable for dealing with them.

The first, embarrassingly so, is the absence of curtains at the windows in my kitchen den (ken). I have had these temporary Home Depot paper thingies up since way before Christmas. Prior to that I had sheer Priscillas (I call them I Love Lucy curtains) at the window. I had them crossing over in the center and they really were charming. But I want something cleaner. I have no idea what I want to do. Privacy isn't really an issue; my neighbors next door are rarely out, and the only thing I do in the ken is watch TV or read, and never naked I might add. (The lamp on the dresser is the one that used to be on my bedroom nightstand.)
The second is giving my potting table a good cleaning and organizing. My parents bought it for me from Target when I first moved in the house and it is a godsend. It stores things — not just of the garden variety — that I put my hands on frequently. I made a curtain out of some vintage fabric and jury-rigged a "rod" by putting two round eye hooks on the front of the table, one at each end. and strung a wire from one to the other with a nail in the middle to keep the wire from drooping. When Harleigh was about 6 she made me the hanger above the table, a piece of wood with nails in it. It says "Have a Good Day."
And the third is this old chandelier. When the ken used to be a dining area, this chandelier hung above the table. It used to be brass but I painted it ivory, covered the shades in a pink floral calico fabric and made a chain cover from some white canvas I had. It did look pretty, especially decorated at Christmastime. But when the room became our ken, the chandelier hung too low and rather than shorten the chain, I just had my electrician take the whole thing down. It has been in my garage in the Yard Sale pile for sometime now. But since I've decided not to do a yard sale ever again, as long as I live, as you are my witness, I think I can make it into something. I'd throw it away, but I just know that I'll regret it.


  1. I was saving an old chandelier that was dying to be painted in the back shed. And sweet hubby threw it out. Yep, that's right. Threw it out. It hurt me so.

  2. I am in need of kitchen curtains too! But I on the other hand do watch TV naked.
    Just kidding! I'm laughing at my own lame joke now. What a dork I am.
    Anywaaays, I'm tempted to take inspiration from a old photo of my inlaws house when my husband was a tot. They just had simple and clean looking roll top shades but my MOL trimmed the bottom in big yellow pom poms! Simple but sweet and a dash of kitch!
    And hey, don't throw out that chandelier! I don't mean to be bossy but I think it is great! And part of me is worried that our new chandelier is going to be too much and now I wish I had one like yours.
    Oh, and congratulations Harleigh! You're almost a Junior! :)
