Thursday, April 3, 2008

Holly Hobbie

In the previous post you'll see a hand-embroidered, framed Holly Hobbie that I found at a yard sale. Holly Hobbie was (along with Joan Walsh Anglund characters) one of my favorites as a little girl. Click here for a wonderful website all about the real Holly Hobbie; she's as wholesome and rosy cheeked as her characters.


  1. Ahh... Holly Hobbie. I forgot all about her. :)

  2. You know that rare moment when you find something that resonates with you on such a level that you just know that it is the beginning of something new for you? I just had that moment when you just introduced me to Joan Walsh Anglund. My heart just sang out! I have always loved Holly Hobby and am excited to click on the link you gave for her. But Joan Walsh Anglund, I am instantly so so smitten! I'm heading to ebay right this moment to see what I can find!
    So happy to have found your blog!
    The kindred spirits I've found in blogland just fill my heart with such joy!
    Thank you Dawn!

  3. I loved Holly Hobbie. Thanks for the website.
