Sunday, April 13, 2008

DAY 8 — The Recipes

There was so much good food to be had at the shower on Saturday. BJ, Sherry's Mom, graced us once again with her Norwegian meatballs. We eat them like popcorn; it's obscene how much we eat of them. She'll be getting me her recipe for those as well as for her cupcakes (never had a cupcake this good in my entire life) and for her bacon cheese toasties.

Here are my two recipes to contribute, both very simple but great staples at any party or potluck.

Chicken Salad

- Boil 5 chicken breasts until completely cooked. I'm usually not a big fan of boiling food (as a seafood lover from Baltimore, we steam everything to maintain its flavor and color), but in the case of this recipe, it really is the best way to keep its moistness. Shred or cut chicken into small pieces. Let cool.
- Peel, core and cut up into bite-sized pieces one large Gala apple.
- 1/2 - 3/4 cup chopped walnuts, to taste.
- Mayonnaise to likeness.
- Salt and pepper to taste.

Mix all the ingredients. I don't like to over-mayonnaise salads, so I start off with a little and keep adding. Garnish with watercress.

Shrimp and Onion Appetizer

- One pound shrimp, steamed using the Old Bay method. Cool and peel.
- Equal amounts oil and lemon juice (about 1/2 cup each)
- Two small onions cut up into thin slices (I've used regular yellow onions, but vidalia work really well)
- Paprika; start off with 1 tablespoon and add more to your liking. I tend to go on the "more is better" side.

Mix all ingredients, cover and soak overnite in fridge, stirring occasionally. Serve chilled or room temperature. Say goodbye as soon as you put this one out, 'cause it goes quickly.

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