Thursday, April 10, 2008

DAY 5 — The Panic Sets In

So much to do with the couple of days I have left of this Break. I always seem to make a TO DO list that far exceeds the number of hours in a day.

Category 1: Craft
Today was all about the shower. Here's a sneak peek at one of the projects I finished up today. I love making events special for people, especially for the guest of honor (and her twin girls we've yet to meet). What I've done cost very little money; it was more time spent than cash. And that's what I love about creative crafting.
Category 6: Harleigh
Thanks to Manuela of The Feathered Nest, I now know about discounted flowers at my neighborhood Kroger. So I went out today and bought these dozen roses in a peachy pink for Harleigh's room, to welcome her home.
Category 7: Me
My girlfriend Ali called this evening, and let me just tell you . . . every woman should have an Ali in her life. She is sweet, funny, confident, creative, articulate and cute to boot. We chatted and laughed. She told me that I needed to slow down a bit during this Break and do something that didn't involve my hands and thinking or concentrating. Ali, our call was just that. A break from all that I'm doing to talk with reckless abandon like only two women can do. Thank you. Her blog is every bit as inspiring as she is.


  1. I can't wait to see the neat stuff you have created!!!! -courtney

  2. A shower? How fun. Enjoy the rest of your break.
